The Secretary’s Office is responsible for the processing of paper work, the convention of all kinds of meetings, the proceedings of committees, internal control, media liaison, public relations, alumni services, and other integrated services.

Secretary’s Office
The Secretary’s Office of CNU consists of four units: Alumni Center, Institutional Research Center, Auditing Division, and Public Affairs Division. Headed by the Secretary General, the Secretary’s Office is responsible for the following:
- Coordination across all units.
- Arrangement of schedules of the president and vice-presidents.
- Processing of all official documents.
- Handling of agenda and letters addressing the president.
- Drafting and reviewing of by-laws and regulations.
- Implementation of decisions made by the administration council.
- Contact with the media, school advertisements, and other public relations work.
- Analysis of university operation and students' learning effectiveness.
- Reviewing and affixing seals to all purchase requisitions, business trip and leave application forms, payment vouchers, checks and contracts.
- Organizing the agenda and managing the minutes of teacher complaint review committee meetings.
- Arrangement, invitation and reception of guests at important school events.
Secretary General
Ph.D. Pin-Shern Chen
Secretary General Professor, Department of Life and Health Science
Tel: +886-6-2664911 Ext.1031
Fax: +886-6-2669523